Alpha Graphics certifications

In our modern world, we are surrounded daily by products that facilitate our everyday life, but which can also present a threat to our health or the environment.

For this reason, certifications are essential. The certification or qualification of the product is the process of testing the performance and quality, that the criteria of the product specifications and the regulations at the community group level are respected. These certifications play an important role in the product compliance process. They are the result of a production, testing and evaluation process to demonstrate to the consumer that the product complies with industry standards.

Alpha Graphics cartridges are produced with state-of-the-art technology, ensuring performance and quality at least similar to printer manufacturers.

Quality achieved by using quality components, suitable to ensure the best print. The tests done post-production, the certifications obtained, confirm the dedication to ensure a quality, at least similar to OEM.

The cartridges are produced using used OEM cartridge cases, giving them a new print cycle. Using the best components and raw material, it provides you with a green alternative without sacrificing print quality and performance.

The European Directive that restricts and controls harmful substances such as Pb, Cd, Hg, CR6+, PBB, PBDE, decaBDE

A certification from the community regulation regarding the registration, evaluation, authorization and restriction of chemical substances used in production. The purpose of REACH is to improve the protection of human health and the environment by identifying these chemical substances.

Screening test that identifies chemical substances that affect and can produce mutations in the DNA structure of the consumer. Carcinogenic chemicals are identified.

It is awarded to companies that comply with strict rules to reduce the impact on the environment in the production process as well as the resulting product. For sustainable development.

Certificate whose objective promotes the reuse, recycling and other forms of valorization of electronic waste in order to reduce the amount of disposed waste and to improve the environment

The two standards DIN-33870-1 (monochrome) and DIN-33870-2 (color) are standards that define quality. Requirements for the toner cartridge remanufacturing process and tests under appropriate laboratory conditions to obtain OEM-like prints. Includes ISO 19752/ ISO 19798

Sedex Smeta is a social audit that globally recognizes the responsible activity of the supply chain regarding labor rights, employee health and safety, as well as business ethics

Compliance with standardized test and evaluation methods issued by a global committee for printer cartridges, regardless of who tests them

Tested method to determine the number of pages listed with a monochrome cartridge

Tested method to determine the number of pages listed with a color cartridge