
What are Cookies?

A cookie is a small text file that is saved on your computer or mobile device when you visit a website. Thanks to Cookies, the site retains, for a certain period of time, your actions and preferences (eg login, language, character size and other display preferences). Thus there is no need to re-enter them every time you return to the site or navigate from one page to another.

What cookies do we use?

We use two types of Cookies: per session and fixed. The first are temporary files that remain in the user’s terminal until the end of the session or the closing of the application (web browser). The fixed files remain on the user’s terminal for a certain period in the Cookie parameters or until they are manually deleted by the user.

How are Cookies used by this site?

A visit to this website may place the following Cookies:

Website performance cookies
Visitor analysis cookies
Cookies for geotargetting
Registration cookies
Cookies for advertising
Advertising provider cookies
Deleting Cookies

You can control and/or delete Cookies as you wish – see for details. You can delete all Cookies from your computer and set most browsers to block their placement. If you do this, you may have to manually set some preferences each time you visit the site. Also, some services or options may not work.

Why are Cookies important to the Internet?

Cookies are the central point of the efficient functioning of the Internet, helping to generate a friendly browsing experience adapted to the preferences and interests of each user. Rejecting or disabling Cookies may make some sites impossible to use.

Rejecting or deactivating Cookies does not mean that you will no longer be exposed to online advertising – but only that it will no longer be able to take into account your preferences and interests, highlighted by your browsing behavior.

Useful Links

It is possible to make the necessary settings in the browser so that these Cookies are no longer accepted or you can set the browser to accept Cookies from a specific site.

All modern browsers offer the possibility to change the Cookie settings. These settings are usually found in the “options” or “preferences” menu of your browser.

To understand these settings, the following links may be useful, otherwise you can use the “help” option of your browser for more details.

Cookie settings in Edge

Cookie settings in Firefox

Cookie settings in Chrome

Cookie settings in Safari

For the settings of cookies generated by third parties, you can also consult here.